What is Print-Ready Artwork for Business Stationery?

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by | 10/08/2023 | Ask Sarah, Blog, Marketing | 0 comments

In the modern age of digital media, the tangible touch of physical business stationery remains ever relevant. An impeccable business card or an eye-catching A5 flyer speaks volumes about your brand. But before they can make their statement, it’s imperative to ensure they’re print-ready. Let’s dive deep into what it takes to prepare perfect print-ready artwork for your business stationery.

Setting the Right Foundations

The Canvas Comes First:
Before we embark on the journey of designing business cards, A5 flyers, or letterheads, choosing the correct canvas size is crucial. For business cards, the standard size in the UK is 85 x 55 mm. For A5 flyers, as the name suggests, it’s half of an A4 which is 148 x 210 mm. And for letterheads, the universally accepted size is A4, which measures 210 x 297 mm. Always add an extra 3 mm on each side for bleed to prevent unwanted white borders after cutting.

Resolution Matters:
Artwork for print should always be at a minimum resolution of 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch). A high resolution ensures that your designs remain crisp and clear, giving them a professional appearance when printed. Remember, an image might look good on screen, but can appear pixelated when printed if the resolution is too low.

Colour Codes: CMYK over RGB

Understanding the Difference:
Colours can make or break a design. When creating digital designs, the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) colour model is prevalent. However, for print purposes, especially for business stationery, CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) is the go-to model. The CMYK model offers a wider colour range for print mediums.

Convert Before You Print:
Always convert your artwork to CMYK before sending it off for printing. When an RGB file is printed without conversion, the colours might appear dull or different from what you anticipated.

Fonts and Typography

Embed or Outline:
You’ve chosen a perfect font that encapsulates your brand’s essence. But how do you ensure that it looks the same when printed? By either embedding the font into your file or converting text to outlines, you safeguard your typography. This process ensures the printer recognises your chosen font, displaying it as intended.

Stay Legible:
Whether on business cards, A5 flyers, or a letterhead, maintaining legibility is essential. Ensure your font sizes are appropriate for the medium. Too small, and your content becomes unreadable. Too large, and it might appear unprofessional.

Design Elements and Their Placement

Safe Zones:
Imagine a beautiful design where critical information lies too close to the edge, running the risk of being cut off. To avoid this, always maintain a safe zone of at least 3 mm, preferably 5mm, from the edges. This space ensures that all vital elements remain intact after the final cut.

Consistency is Key:
Your business card, A5 flyer, and letterhead should all resonate with your brand’s essence. While each has a unique purpose, maintaining design consistency across all platforms builds brand recognition and trust.

Final Checks and Proofing

Review and Revise:
Before sending your artwork off to the printers, take a moment to review. Check for typos, ensure images are in high resolution, and validate that all elements are within the safe zones. It’s often beneficial to get a second pair of eyes to review your work.

Ask for a Proof:
Most printers offer a digital proofing service, make sure you check this carefully. This step allows you to see how your design will look and offers a chance for last-minute revisions if needed.

In conclusion, crafting print-ready artwork for business stationery isn’t just about great design. It’s about meticulous preparation, understanding print principles, and keen attention to detail. And now, equipped with this knowledge, you’re ready to make a statement with your impeccable business cards, captivating A5 flyers, and professional letterheads.

Ready to bring your designs to life? Contact us today for unmatched professional printing services that resonate with excellence.

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If you would like help with this, or any other topic then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.