Higher rankings via competitor analysis

Everybody always want to know how to improve their search engine rankings and while there are loads of little tips I could give out the simplest things to do that will have the longest lasting effect is to learn how to perform competitor analysis and act on what you...

Cutting corners can be costly

I've seen this gif doing the rounds over the last couple of weeks and while it is somewhat humorous it does demonstrate a frequent problem business owners face when they cut corners when it comes to paying for services such a design or content. While nobody has come...

Do you need a secure website(SSL)?

I came across this tweet the other day and it got me thinking,  The response from Halifax was fairly standard, If you are not submitting information to a website, ie filling in a form or logging in you shouldn't worry about SS, The little padlock in the address...

10 things you should check on your website

1. Who owns the domain name? It's not uncommon when you pay someone to build a website for the domain name to be registered in the name of the web design company that produced it, while this is often done for convenience rather than out of any malicious intent it can...